Environmental Assessment (EA)


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), and the City of Burlington announce the availability of the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Railroad Enterprise Project (REP). The proposed REP includes a new 0.3-mile-long multimodal roadway connection between Pine Street and Battery Street in Burlington, Vermont.

The EA describes the Purpose and Need for the Project, the alternatives evaluated, and their anticipated impact on social and natural environmental resources. The EA also provides a summary of the public engagement process and identification of the Preferred Alternative and proposed mitigation measures.

EA Review:

The EA is available here to download and review.

Environmental Assessment (EA)

  • Environmental Assessment (127 pages)

  • Appendix A-D (89 pages)

    • Appendix A: Figures

    • Appendix B: Agency Coordination and Engagement

    • Appendix C: Design Criteria Memorandum

    • Appendix D: Environmental Justice Assessment Methodology Report

  • Appendix E-F (296 pages)

    • Appendix E: Historic and Archaeological Studies

    • Appendix F: Brownfields and Hazardous Waste Report

  • Appendix G-H (342 pages)

    • Appendix G: Traffic Report

    • Appendix H: Water Quality/Stormwater Report

  • Appendix I-P (260 pages)

    • Appendix I: Noise and Vibration Assessment Report

    • Appendix J: Air Quality Analysis Report

    • Appendix K: Alternative Cost Estimates

    • Appendix L: VRS Impacted Operations

    • Appendix M: PEL Supplemental Scoping Report, Executive Summary (2020)

    • Appendix N: Railyard Enterprise Project Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Report (2016)

    • Appendix O: Parking Impacts and Economic Development Analysis

    • Appendix P: USFWS Section 7 Consistency Letter

    • Appendix Q: Response to Comments